Package Pickup Date Delayed

California Weather - Pushing Pickup Date

3/19/2022 - SEE UPDATE


Because of the ongoing horrific weather in California, we unfortunatley will be required to move the pickup date for packages about a week. We do not have an exact date yet, but we will be emailing everyone with the new details once we know them for sure.

This is something we were very anxious about when we watched the weather hammering California and were really hoping to avoid. I know that this is disruptive for your schedules and planning, and we truly apologize for any hardships this may cause.


As I am sure you have seen, the unusual weather patterns hitting California have pushed the bloom back by as much as a month. The bloom is needed for production of drones (male bees) as well as an increase in the population of the colonies. Because things are so far behind, the bees just won’t be ready by our original date of April 15th.

We are hopeful that improving weather patterns and more springlike conditions will get things back on track.


Your orders are confirmed, you will be getting bees and you will have a wonderful season! Moving things by a week or 10 days does not harm the season in the least and we are confident you will love being beekeepers in 2023!


Please, if you have any questions, I am here to help. Reach out on our CONTACT page and I will respond asap.


I want you to know how heartfelt sorry I am about this change. This is the last thing I wanted for you and I truly hope you understand.


Jason Kardong